Never apologise for being YOU
You have inner strength to handle your life. You were born with it!
You have values, stand up for them.
Self Confidence is within you. It is and always has been part of you,.
Find your Intention, Set your Goal and Arrive at Your Destiination!
From Africa to Australia, and then from Australia to Northern Ireland .I understand, 14 years ago my life changed dramatically, after I walked away from a comfy corporate job and moved continents "twice".... (yes thats right twice) in 2 years!
Was it hard absolutely! Scary, of course! Financially, emotionally and everything in between.
I felt like I had the kitchen sink thrown at me, but ultimately I survived, and realised, what I had been looking for was my freedom.
Freedom to choose, freedom to go through the pain of change, and come out the other side, stronger and more in love with my life than ever before.
I moved to a country where I knew no-one, and built my successful Mindset Business from roots up. In the past 14 years, it has flourished. I am now working across the World with many clients (beautiful souls) via the wonderful World Wide Web [www] on the amazing technology called Zoom of course, and loving every moment.
You are ready to embrace yourself, to stand up for your values and step into your inner strength.
You know you have more to offer, to yourself, your life and your passions.
You are at the right place. This is where you need to be.
When you get honest with yourself, you will follow your passion, even if it means starting from scratch. It will be scary, sometimes even painful, taking this gigantic step into being authentic "YOU".
With over 32 years experience I can help you shift your focus towards your FREEDOM, whatever that means to you. I do have a quirky way of coaching, of understanding energy and trusting intuition, but that's why you're here!
I have worked with many people worldwide, and developed mindset programs that do work. These people continue to work with me, so why not join me, on this journey into "Self".
Fearless Future:
Start Today
Leave Uncertainty at the door and step into Understanding:
Let Me Introduce YOU to YOU
Prepare for a transformative journey to rediscover your love for life.
Here’s what you can expect:
Embrace your inner strength
Discover your hidden strengths and boost your self-esteem. This is great to get back on the confidence wagon.
Authentic Self:
Cast aside societal expectations and celebrate your uniqueness. Let me show you how not to let someone step on your energetic toes!
Mindset Magic:
Let's consider how you choose to let your mind drive you to your destinations. You don't always follow one route, you sometimes change gears, change cars, change routes, so why not give your mind a springclean?
Guided Support:
I have been working with people worldwide for the past 14 years, and before that in South Africa for 15 years. 29 years of understanding different outlooks, realising no-one can judge you but yourself, and working out logical systems to help you get to the other side of any issue, situation or relationship (even with yourself). I'm here for you !
Don't feed your FearTake control, and reshape your life’s story. Start the conversation and let’s take this life-changing step together!
Let's get real! You want change, you are nervous of feeling uncomfortable so sometimes you allow fear to lead the way.
I'm comfortable working with so many different people around the World. All trying to find that part of themselves that may have been lost. To choose CHANGE is a huge committment to self, but sometimes it is really necessary.
I'm here for you. If you are ready to just talk to me, and want to have an honest interaction with me, no feeding your ego, just an honest to goodness reflection session. Let's Chat!
Join me for a 15-minute deep dive into your dreams and struggles.
This isn't your typical consultation; it’s an honest conversation designed to equip you with proven tools for success.
Harness your energy like you've always wanted to, and light up your path! You are responsible for your own journey and choices!
Energy is my Expertise 💥
Free yourself from your normal habits & people pleasing, shed your doubts, and step into a new energy source. A source that is constantly flowing through you and around you. Lifting you and guiding you.
You’re not just a number when we chat! You’re pivotal to your choices and your journey.
Let's just get together and maybe you will leave with a little bit more knowing, that you are well and able to make some huge steps into a solid and great future.
Ready to Transform?
Let’s Make Magic Happen Together!

If life has dished you out anxiety, worry, and self-doubt. that is fine!
Master the art of being present—a skill that requires practice and discipline.
You'll Gain:
Discipline & Focus: Essential for cultivating happiness.
Intention & Goal Setting: Tools to plot your journey towards contentment.
A Guided Physical and Emotional Journey: Aimed at achieving perfect happiness, as you were meant to.
Proven & Trusted Unique Programs, tested by many clients, that equip you with the necessary tools to confidently pursue your desires without fear.
Embrace Change: Discovering your life's purpose and committing to your path can transform your life.
Ste** USA

I met Rose after I listened to her interview on a podcast that I was registered for. I was completely blown away by her enthusiasm for life, contagious laughter and vibrant energy. I felt as though she was speaking directly to me.
I started by signing up for a tarot reading and I was totally hooked from word one. Rose has a way of connecting with you through her readings and answered all of my questions before I even had time to ask them.
I continued my journey with Rose by signing up for her spiritual coaching. We have been working together and I feel so honored to have such an amazing spiritual coach to gently guide me along this journey.
I can’t speak highly enough of the time that Rose spends with me, the lessons she has taught me, and the newfound spirituality that I am so grateful to have found. I thank my angels daily for allowing me the opportunity to meet Rose!!Big Angel hugs 🤗
Sarah ** UK

I recently completed an extended spiritual coaching programme with Rose. Rose in her special way acted as a mirror, allowing me develop a true sense of self worth and value.
Holding me accountable for taking the steps I had committed to, taking me towards my goals and aspirations.
The tool kit I have developed over the last 11 months have given me the life skills that allow me to regain perspective and align myself with the Universe.
I would recommend this coaching to anyone who feels stuck or wants to know more about themselves and move forward into their true self.
Thank you Rose, ever grateful 🙏🏻
Energy is your Compass! Let Energy be your Guide!
A full 50 minute online reading VIA Zoom, Whatsapp or FB Messenger.
Let's tap into your own energy, heart, mind & soul, to uncover what it is you need to understand, Past Lives Included!
No matter the situation, the answer always lies within.
Your soul always wants the best for your physical experience.
I Act As The Mirror To Your Soul!
BreathWork & Free Will
Right now, in this very moment, you possess two extraordinary gifts that are innately yours - breath and free will.
These aren't merely concepts or abstract ideas, but profound resources, as natural as the air around you and as deep as your very essence. These resources have the power to anchor you, to bring a profound sense of balance and contentment in your life.
Imagine being able to tap into this inner peace, even amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. That's where I come in. I love guiding individuals like you through practical meditation techniques.
These aren't just methods to be practiced in the quiet solitude of your home. No, these are tools you can wield even while navigating the chaos of the outside world.
In the whirlwind of today's busy life, pausing to take a breath can seem like a luxury we can't afford. But what if I told you it's not just possible, it's essential? I'm here to show you how.
This isn't a complex philosophy or an unattainable state of mind. It's incredibly simple, so much so that it might seem unbelievable. Yet, it's absolutely necessary for your well-being.
Join me in this journey of self-discovery and start experiencing the power of breath and free will right now. You deserve it.

You know, I've had more heart-to-hearts with fascinating folks than a nosy barista in a coffee shop! And boy, do I have some piping-hot wisdom to serve you.Want a taste of my latest brew? Click below to check out my recent podcast. It's hotter than a fresh latte and richer than a triple chocolate muffin.Talking to you soul-searchers out there is like finding the perfect marshmallow in a sea of hot cocoa - rare and oh-so delightful. You folks are looking for answers, and let me tell you, they're closer than you think. Right in your heart, in fact.So come on, let's stir things up together!